Do 8.9.22

Sonic Pluralities: Kelman Duran

ACUD CLUB 22h → Club Night

Sonic Pluralities: Kelman Duran
Ghostly ambient, Caribbean Afro beats, reggaeton rhythms, free jazz, sound sculptures, calls to arms, stirring strings, tears, beat culture and hope.
DO 8.9, ACUD Club 22H
Tickets: 8E

The series Sonic Pluralities presents a program of musical evenings hosted by artists that are approaching sonic experience from plural positions. To speak from the plural means to step outside the linear temporalities and standard categories that have been inscripted in the contemporary’ musical gaze. The program reflects on each artist’s journeys of migration, trajectories in music and artistic legacies which have composed their own way of sensing-being in musical language. Each evening will present different modes of gathering and diverse musical worlds.


Kelman Duran is a Dominican producer. He released debut album 1804 KIDS via Hundebiss Records, and 13th Month through Apocalipsis. Duran never shies away from politics in his work. He feeds reggaeton rhythms through a compressor on 1804 KIDS album, which is a reference to the Haitian Revolution.

Curated by Miguel Buenrostro
A Project by ACUD MACHT NEU.

Find the full program of Sonic Pluralities and Borderlines here

This event was made possible with funding by NEUSTART KULTUR /
Supported by our media partner TAZ