Do 28.9.17

Synergy همکاری Hevkari التعاون Sinergia & We Belong To Music

ACUD CLUB 19h → Club Night

Synergy ​​dhex узаемадзеянне 協同效應 sức mạnh tổng hợp סינרגיהвзаимодействиe სინერგია взаємодія փոխազդեցություն التعاون Isku &​​ ​WE​ ​BELONG​ ​TO​ ​MUSIC
NAWA​ ​BAND,​ ​​a​ ​cooperation​ ​of​ ​Berlin-based​ ​musicians​ ​from​ ​Palestine,​ ​Syria,​ ​Italy, Greece,​ ​Poland,​ ​US.
curated​ ​by​ ​Ali​ ​Hasan (Nar) - syrian percussionist; in​ ​cooperation​ ​with​ ​Common​ ​Ground UdK
DJ​ ​NAJIB BLACKY [​Tunisia]
DJ​ ​RYAN R ​[Transatlantyk​ ​Records, PL]
ZAMBON​ ​[Transatlantyk​ ​Records​/​​Boiler​ ​Room​/​Berlin​ ​Community​ ​Radio, Berlin​/​PL]
CHARLIE​ ​[Szum, Berlin​/​PL]
DJ​ BOB​ ​[​Syria]
The funds gathered at the entrance will be equally split between all the performers as a gesture of our appreciation.
We will also gather funds for PLUS1 organisation at the entrance.
MUSICIANS,​ ​do​ ​not​ ​forget​ ​your​ ​instruments! See​ ​you​ ​there,​ ​belong​ ​TO​ ​MUSIC!
This event is a cooperation event of Synergy Collective and Baynetna supported​ ​by​ ​ACUD​ ​Macht​ ​Neu​ ​and​ ​Common​ ​Ground​ ​UdK.
For​ ​more​ ​information​ ​please​ ​scroll​ ​down
↓​​​​​​Deutsch, Arabic↓
Synergy is an interaction of different elements, that with combined forces can create something greater than on their own. In this context it is a beautiful union of music and​ ​freedom,​ ​that​ ​bring​ ​people​ ​together,​ ​ignoring​ ​boundaries,​ ​stamps​ ​and​ ​nations.
Whether or not music is a “universal language” is a question that has been debated throughout history. One might say this phrase has been touted so often, it has become a cliché. However, one can not deny the fact that music communicates on levels, of which semantic language can not. It is an essential part of what all people share.​ ​We​ ​all​ ​belong​ ​to​ ​music.
In​ ​music, ​there​ ​are​ ​no​ ​borders,​ ​apart​ ​from​ ​the​ ​pause​ ​and​ ​space​ ​for​ ​applause.
Let us take you on a journey through different rhythms and cosmic melodies that will make​ ​your​ ​heart​ ​feel​ ​at​ ​home​ ​wherever​ ​you’re​ ​from​ ​and​ ​where​ ​you’re​ ​going​ ​to.
The night will consist of a concert, curated jam session, and a party with DJs ​that through their selection and state of mind reflect the ideals that we collectively cherish. ​We’re inviting all of you to collectively sing, dance and to listen to the sounds​ ​filled​ ​with​ ​diversity.
Founded in 2014, Nawa is a cooperation of Berlin-based musicians from Palestine, Syria, Italy, Greece, Poland, US. The instrumental line-up consists of: the Arabic lute/oud, the violin, the oriental flute/nay, the contrabass and various forms of percussion. Nawa aims at contributing to the popularity of classical ​Arabic and Turkish chamber music, a genre very little known in the West. Central to all kind of oriental musical forms is the Taqsim: a structured, mode-based instrumental improvisation which focuses on rhythmic and melodic patterns in order to explore modes and modulations. Together with the structured musical forms, it creates a highly dynamic and lively listening experience, very much alike to western improvisation​ ​genres.
Curated​ ​by​ ​Ali​ ​Hasan (Nar), ​percussionist, in​ ​cooperation​ ​with​ ​Common​ ​Ground​ ​(UdK)
ALI HASAN [Nar, Syria]
Born in 1990 in the district of Tadamon near Damascus - Ali Hasan (Nar) is a musician and cultural activist. At the beginning of 2014, Ali was forced to leave Syria in the direction of Istanbul with nothing on him except his university certificates and djembé. In May 2015, he finally moved to Berlin where he concentrated all his energy on music. He played in different bands and with different musicians. In 2017 he started his new solo project, Nar. "Through music, I can convey my message to people..I'm not speaking in the name of anyone. I am Ali and Syrian. Whether refugee or migrant: I do not care about these terms. We are citizens like everyone else. Music is the sphere in which I defend my self and my truth. This is my message ... a love message. " - Ali Hasan

Hailing from Wroclaw, DJ Ryan R is responsible for bringing his blend of Afro-fueled disco to dancefloors across Poland and Eastern Europe. High energy selection and raw cuts are the things that distinguish his style. His most recent release is Transafryka​ ​EP​ ​for​ ​Transatlantyk​ ​Records.

Next to being an excellent DJ, host of the Balearic Bigo’s show on Berlin Community Radio and A&R of Transatlantyk records, Zambon is also co-founder and head honcho​ ​of​ ​The​ ​Very​ ​Polish​ ​Cut​ ​Outs​ ​records.

Polish but born in Berlin - Charlie is one of the most active promoters in Cracow's underground scene. In her sets she surprises with eclecticism and adjusts to the artists with who she is sharing the stage. You can hear her playing a dark industrial, electro, acid set or just a pure disco one. Charlie had the honour to play in different countries, being invited among others to Unsound Festival, Salon Des Amateurs, Rex​ ​Club​ ​and​ ​many​ ​more.

Born in Damascus, originally from Palestine - DJ Bob started playing, mixing, producing and composing music in Syria. He arrived in Berlin in January 2015 where he continues his career as a DJ and finally has the chance to learn and study to develop his skills for a new life in Germany. In Berlin he played at SCHWUZ, Kit Kat Club and Insomnia Club and was part of the Insomnia truck at Zug der Liebe 2016, Gay Night at the Zoo - Die Tanznacht” 2016 and 2017 and many more.

The Bayntena بیناتنا ("Between Us") Project, is a non-profit independent organisation aiming to build a bridge between different cultures through the arts and civic education. The Baynetna Project, which began as an Arabic language library - seeking to increase mutual visibility and knowledge between Arabic and Western culture through literature - has expanded its activities to also include diverse cultural and artistic events and activities in it’s space, such as feminist self-defence classes, theatre​ ​workshops,​ ​and​ ​music​ ​events.
Synergie ist eine Wechselwirkung verschiedener Elemente, die mit kombinierten Kräften etwas Großes schaffen. Die Einheit aus Musik und Freiheit ist es, die Menschen zusammenbringt und den Gedanken von Grenzen und Nationen außer Kraft​ ​setz.
Ob Musik eine “universelle Sprache” ist, ist eine Frage, die im Laufe der Geschichte vielfach diskutiert wurde. Klar ist dennoch, sie kommuniziert dort, wo die semantische​ ​Sprache​ ​es​ ​nicht​ ​kann.​ ​Musik​ ​ist​ ​ein​ ​wesentlicher​ ​Teil​ ​aller​ ​Menschen.
In der Musik gibt es keine Grenzen. Lass uns zusammen durch verschiedene Rhythmen und Melodien reisen, die uns zu Hause fühlen lassen wo immer wir sind und​ ​egal​ ​wo​ ​wir​ ​herkommen.
Das Abendprogramm besteht aus einem Konzert, einer Jam-Session und einer Party mit DJs, die Musik als mittel ihrer Kreativität nutzen und zum Ausdruck bringen. Wir laden euch ein, gemeinsam zu singen, zu tanzen und die mit Vielfalt gefüllte Musik mit​ ​uns​ ​zu​ ​genießen.
Diese Veranstaltung ist eine Kooperationsveranstaltung von Synergy Collective und Baynetna.​ بیناتنا​,​ ​unterstützt​ ​von​ ​ACUD​ ​Macht​ ​Neu​ ​und​ ​Common​ ​Ground​ ​UdK.
Die Bayntena بیناتنا ("Between Us") Projekt, ist eine gemeinnützige unabhängige Organisation mit dem Ziel, eine Brücke zwischen verschiedenen Kulturen anhand von Kunst zu schlagen. Das Baynetna-Projekt begann mit dem Ziel als Bibliothek die Einführung der arabischen Literatur und Kulture eine Brücke zwischen der arabischen und anderen Kulturen der Welt zu schaffen. Sie hat sich zu einem Kultureltreffpunkt weiterentwickelt, um auch diverse kulturelle und künstlerische Veranstaltungen und Aktivitäten anbieten zu können, wie feministische Selbst- Verteidigung Workshops, Theaterworkshops, Musikveranstaltungen und die arabische​ ​und​ ​die​ ​europäischen​ ​Kulturen​ ​mehr​ ​für​ ​einander​ ​zu​ ​öffnen.
Die bei der Veranstaltung gesammelten Gelder werden gleichermaßen zwischen allen KünstlerInnen als eine Geste unserer Wertschätzung aufgeteilt. Wir werden auch​ ​für​ ​die​ ​PLUS1-Organisation​ ​am​ ​Eingang​ ​Spenden​ ​sammeln.
التعاون لتشكیل فضاء أجمل وأكبر مما یستطیع الفرد تكوینه لوحده هو معنى التآزر. اتحاد الموسیقى والموسیقیین بالجمال والحریة للأفراد والفن بجمع الناس مع بعضهم البعض، بغض النظر عن أصلهم أو جنسیتهم, فالفن یمحو الحدود السیاسیة والتفرقة بین إنسان وآخر. ‹
إذاكانالّسؤالحولإنكانتالموسیقىهي"لغةعالمّیة"أملایتداولعبرالتاریخبقوة،وإنكانتهذهالعبارةتداولت في كثیر من الأحیان إلى أن أصبحت بمثابة كلیشیه، لكن مع ذلك، لا یمكن لأحد أن ینكر حقیقة أن الموسیقى هي مساحة للتواصلعلىمستویاتعدیدةلاتصلهااللغاتالدلالّیة.الموسیقىهيفضاءأساسّيیتقاسمهجمیعالناس.ونحنننتمي
إلى الموسیقى.
وكما ُیقال، لا حدود في الموسیقى. تعالوا لنتشارك الرحلة بالإیقاعات والألحان التي ستحملنا إلى بیوتنا وبلادنا، بلا علاقة للمكان الذي جئنا منه وأینما نتواجد الآن وإلى أین سنذهب.
تحتوياللیلةحفًلاموسیقًیا،جامموسیقّي)موسیقىارتجالّیة(،وحفلةمعDJs،اللذینسیوظفونموسیقاهمالمتنوعة كوسیط للتعبیر عن إبداعهم والأفكار التي نتشاركها جمیًعا.
هذاالحدثمنّظممنقبلمجموعةSynergyومشروعبیناتنا؛المكتبةالعربّیةفيبرلین،وبالتعاونمعACUD MACHT​​NEUوالمشروعالطلابّيCGفيجامعةالفنونفيبرلین.
مشروعبیناتناهومشروعغیرربحّيومستقّل،یطمحلبناءجسربینالثقافةوفنالعربّيوالثقافاتوالفنونفيالعالم الغربّيبشكلخاّصوكلالعالمبشكلعاّمعنطریقالفنوالثقافةوالتربّیةالمدنّیة.بدأمشروعبیناتناكمكتبةعربّیةفي برلین، یطمح لزیادة الوعي بالأدب والثقافة العربّیة وتطّور لیصبح منبًرا ثقافًیا وفنًیا یحتوي على العدید من الأنشطة
والاهتمامات؛ كالمسرح والموسیقى والنسوّیة بجانب الثقافة والأدب.
كافةالتبرعاتسوفتقّدمللفنانین/اتالمشاركین/اتفيهذاالحدثبالتساوي.وسوفنقومبجمعالتبرعاتأیًضا للمشروعغیرالربحّيPLUS1.
DO 28.9 // 19H // 5-10€ DONATION
a beautiful union of music and freedom that brings people together, ignoring boundaries, stamps and nations
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