As part of the official transmediale and CTM Vorspiel 2016, ACUD MACHT NEU presents:
KAIRO IS KOMING (KIK) is the collective of the six artists behind the rise of the underground electronic music scene in Cairo of the past four years. When not orbiting along the frontiers of electronic music production, KIK runs Cairo’s first alternative music venue VENT, the first professional music production academy at EPIC 101 studios and alternative music label Kultkairo. As part of their third European club tour, KIK will come to ACUD this January 22nd to host a night full of discussions and music.
Kairo Is Koming is part of transmediale and CTM Vorspiel 2016 taking place between 15th January and 7th February all across Berlin: transmediale // CTM
Gender, Identität und Kreativität als ägyptische Künstlerin. Gehalten von Bosaina.
Kunst und Identität sind untrennbar. Für KünstlerInnen aus Entwicklungsländern haben sich im postkolonialen Kontext allerdings Erwartungshaltungen darüber etabliert, wie diese beiden Komponenten im Verhältnis zur Heimat zu stehen haben. Neben Auszügen aus ihrer Musik, spricht Kairo Is Koming Front-Woman Bosaina über Gender-Rollen, Cultural Appropriation, lokale Szenen und erlebte ethnozentrische Barrieren als ägyptische Künstlerin. Mit anschliessender Diskussion.
Gesellschaftliche und staatliche Hindernisse für die Clubkultur Ägyptens. Gehalten von $$$TAG$$$
Neue Kulturbewegungen stössen im konservativen Ägypten nur schwer auf Verständnis. In den 90er Jahren war es etwa die Heavy Metal Szene, die sich mit Satanismus-Vorwürfen und Polizei-Razzien konfrontiert sahen. Zwanzig Jahre später setzen sich willkürliche Repressionsmechanismen auf subtilere Weisen fort. $$$TAG$$$, Mitbegründer des ersten Techno Clubs Kairos «VENT», spricht in seinem Vortrag über staatliche Künstlersyndikate, Klassenjustiz, die hiesige Drogenkultur und Hindernisse für die Clubkultur anhand von Fallbeispielen. Dabei gewährt er Einblicke in neuere Entwicklungen in Staat und Gesellschaft Ägyptens. Mit anschliessender Diskussion.
Electro Chaabi, Qualitätskontrolle im ägyptischen Musikmarkt, Neo-Orientalismus und die Krux des ägyptischen Künstlers. Gehalten von Hussein Sherbini.
Im 82 Millionen Einwohner starken Nilstaat hat der Musikmarkt seine eigenen Mechanismen. Während der ägyptische Staat beinahe keinerlei Kulturförderung betreibt, schreibt er die Mitgliedschaft in einem staatlichen Künstlersyndikat vor. Ausser die regierungstreuen Hofsänger gelangen beinahe nur diejenigen Musiker an die mediale Öffentlichkeit, die einen grösseren Konzern wie Red Bull oder Coca-Cola als Sponsor finden. Sherbini spricht in seinem Vortrag über die Dilemmen, die sich in dieser Situation stellen, das Fehlen kreativer Infrastruktur und die Anpassungsstrategien alternativer Szenen.
KIK front-woman BOSAINA puts dancefloors on fire from Beirut to Berlin. Initially known for her wild performances as singer of Wetrobots <3 Bosaina, her participation at the Red Bull Music Academy Tokyo 2014 allowed her to become a valuable producer and maybe the most prominent artist of the Middle East right now. Besides KIK-gigs at Sysiphos Berlin or SXSW Texas, she was featured at the Sonar Festival in Barcelona this year. // Soundcloud
HUSSEINI SHERBINI was qualified in Vice’s magazine "Thump" as „something dark and cloudy, like the disjointed echoes of beats and bass bouncing from the walls of a black hole.“ Sherbini, co-founder of the Epic 101 Studios and member of Wetrobots, is a producer and visual artist known for his sound design and abstract screen projections. After his first solo EP "Fairchile" including a track licensed by the French label Kitsune, he released his first solo album "Electro Chaabi," as a subtle critique of the ethnocentric Egyptian music scene. Aside from his music, Sherbini is also director of the only school of electronic music production in Cairo creating a new generation of Egyptian producers and visual artists. // Soundcloud
His unconventional techno tracks made multifaceted producer ZULI not only popular in the Cairo area. He as well gets alot of support by DJs worldwide. For his techno debut "Bionic Ahmed" he has worked together with PAN hero Lee Gamble. He has collaborated members of the KIK crew in different projects such as Quit Together, Wonderful Morning and Vent. // Soundcloud
Behind the stage name of NAA hides the autodidactic producer Nader Ahmed, who is best known for his work with the Cairo’s indie band Living Too Late and the Egyptian post-punk pioneers PanSTARRS. Between 2013 and 2014 he produced PanSTARRS first LP "Yestoday" and Living Too Late’s debut EP. Within KIK, he is active as a solo artist and member of VENT (the band). Here is an extract of his last live set. // Soundcloud
The dark prince of Cairo’s underground techno, $$$TAG$$$, is the one who makes people dance in the early mornings of KIK showcases. The many parties, afterparties and afterafterparties are marked with his unique understanding of the good club tracks. His latest EP "Greater Than The Future" is one of his most personal work. // Soundcloud
Although ISMAEL may seem calm by nature, his tracks are explosive on the dancefloor. Recently, he is more between experimental noise, electronica and bass music. You can often find Ismael in collaboration with the Cairo’s label "100COPIES." // Soundcloud
KIK DJ-Sets // Soundcloud
Friday, 22.1.2016
Doors: 18H
Admission: 10€
Fr 22.1.16
Kairo Is Koming
ACUD CLUB 19h → Club Night & Talk