dis:orient: Sommerfest
SA 24.8, ACUD Studio
Start: 17H
Admission: Recommended donation 10-20 euros
We're celebrating five years of dis:orient - with you!
To mark the fifth anniversary of https://disorient.de/, we cordially invite you to our summer party on 24 August from 5 pm at ACUD in Berlin. We are an independent collective of journalists, academics and activists who deal with the countries of West Asia and North Africa and are looking forward to celebrating with you - whether members or alumni, authors or activists, spontaneously interested people or new faces. You can expect an exciting panel, two freestyle talibæs, the finest DJs and delicious food.
17:00 - 19:00: Culinary delights from Fatima & entertainment for young and old
19:15 Uhr: Revolution, Migration, Staatsräson - Deutscher Journalismus zu Westasien
Panel mit Anna-Theresa Bachmann, Dunja Ramadan, Lea Frehse, Mina Khani und Omid Rezaee
21:15 Uhr: Talibæs
Politsatire mit Mina Khan und Saboura Naqshband
22:15: DJs
with xanax_attax / Zuher Jazmati & moe / Moe Amin
Let us know here if you'll be there: https://www.disorient.de/event/sommerfest
You are also welcome to join us spontaneously. We look forward to seeing you!