Mo 1.7.24


ACUD STUDIO 18h → Talk

MO 1.7, 18H ACUD Studio

The MONTHLY MEET-UP is a networking meeting for transnational artists who are new in Berlin.

It's summer, even if it doesn't quite feel like it yet. And for many, this is not just an opportunity to spend time in parks and by the lake, but also to make art and culture outside in public spaces. But how does that actually work? What do I need to consider if I want to organize a concert or a rave? What funding opportunities are there? Are there projects and initiatives that I can get involved with?

We invite you to the last MONTHLY MEET-UP before the summer break, this time under the title "Working Outside and in Public Spaces" with the following guests:

After her studies in fine arts and philosophy in Bogotá María Linares completed a postgraduate programme in art and public space at the Academy of Fine Arts in Nuremberg and in art in context at the University of the Arts in Berlin. Between 2015 - 2022 she was a deputy for the Künstlerbund in the Advisory Committee for Public Art (BAK) of the Berlin Senate and since 2017 she is member of thedistrict commission for art in public spacein Steglitz - Zehlendorf and in Tempelhof - Schöneberg.

Martina Del Ben and Houssein Tarabichi both work for Berlin Mondiale which is Berlin-wide network of cultural practitioners and artists of Urban Practice whose aim is to make arts and culture more visible and accessible to people in outskirt neighborhoods of Berlin, particularly those with migration, asylum, and exile histories. Martina is an expert for transformation processes in urban and rural areas, Houssein is an architect, urban activist and founding member of the Verein Urbane Praxis.

After being part of a free open air collective herself, Elena Pitscheider took over the management of the FOA project of the Berlin Club commission at the beginning of 2024. The aim of the project is to promote the non-commercially orientated open air scene through networking and training opportunities. She is also active in the Clubcommission's Space Working Group, which focuses on space and areas for cultural and creative use in an increasingly crowded city.