Do 29.2.24

Goethe-Institut im Exil: Mapping stories of the new exile

ACUD STUDIO 18h → Talk

Goethe-Institut im Exil: Mapping stories of the new exile
Public Talk
DO 29.02, 18H ACUD Studio

Exile & Utopia

The cultural sector is a seismograph of social change. The way its actors are treated - state repression and persecution, performance bans, etc. - are an early warning system for far-reaching negative social changes.
Over the past few months, a series of interviews with cultural workers, who left their homelands in search of a better and safer place were conducted. Finding their way in Berlin and starting new life in the city, their stories were documented on film.
In a public talk, the first film results will be presented with and those impacted will have the floor: What were the reasons for fleeing? What challenges did they encounter on their way to Berlin? How does exile influence their artistic expression and work? Is there hope for a return or a new utopia?

More about zusa:

The project is sponsored by the District Office Mitte of Berlin, Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion and is carried out in cooperation with the Department of Art, Culture and History of the District Office Mitte of Berlin.

The event is a cooperation between the Goethe-Institut in Exile and zusa.