Do 8.2.24

We Who Move The World Forward: The Somatics of Transformative Justice: Embodying (self-)Accountability & Repair

ACUD STUDIO 13h → Workshop

We Who Move The World Forward: The Somatics of Transformative Justice: Embodying (self-)Accountability & Repair
DO 8.2, 13H-16H ACUD Studio

Transformational Justice is a framework created by marginalized communities of survivors of violence who did not and could not rely on institutional forms of "Justice" (courts, police...).
This framework, unlike the systems of "Justice" we know, calls for radical healing as it cares to address the roots of violence to break generational cycles of harm, using accountability as a tool of agency and repair, as well as centering the voices & healing of survivors instead of the punishment of harm-doers.
In this 3-hour workshop, we will introduce TJ and its concepts and lineages, as well as practice centred accountability in the face of conflict. This workshop will include somatic practices as well as a hypnotic/somatic trance to connect safely to centered accountability.

The workshop is open to all but encouraged and prioritized for black folks.

Care (they/them) is a light-skinned Black trans non binary abolitionist somatic practitioner, artist & doula who works on re-membering embodied experiences of awe, connection, miracles & care. Their work blooms at the intersection of Black interiority, somatic memory and queer intimacies.
They study and professionally practice astrology, tarot, Reiki, hypnosis, somatics, Transformative Justice and doula work in Berlin, Germany.