Mo 21.1.19

Anthropology for Kids: "What is Wealth?"

ACUD STUDIO 18h → Book Launch

Together with the children from the Karuna, Anthropology for Kids worked on different topics for the book "What is wealth?". At the opening of their exhibition, they will show works of children who have made comments and drawings. They invite you for a party with some food and drinks. They will also invite their experts to talk personally and on Skype. Join to discuss new ideas: how to continue the discussion about "What is wealth?" and why is it essential for our society.


Nika Dubrovsky
... was born in Leningrad / St. Petersburg. She currently lives and works in BerlinNika Dubrovsky’s practice evolved from visual arts, journalism, internet culture, and publishing. Her critical position on educational regimes led to the development and publishing of doodle books for children. Her current project Anthropology For Kids aims at creating an open educational platform with a participatory approach. Reframing crucial aspects of human life – family, money, citizenship, beauty, and alike – Anthropology For Kids seeks to deconstruct conditioned notions of how we (should) live, demonstrating the diversity of perspectives and possibilities that exist in different cultures.

Nika showed her works in deferent museums and galleries around the world. Most recently in ShowRoom (London, UK), KryakK (Krasnoyarsk, Russia). She is publishing books with Hermitage St. Petersburg and currently working with Neue Pinakothek, Munich on a series of children’s books.

David Graeber professor of Anthropology at the London School of Economics and
author of Debt: The First 5000 years; he was involved in the Global Justice Movement
and Occupy Wall Street.

Ilona M. Otto
... is a senior researcher at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). She holds the EarthDoc position within the Earth League Network and she is a member of the COPAN – Co-evolutionary Pathways Research Group at PIK. In her work Ilona analyses social-ecological systems, especially in the context of multi-level governance of natural resources, adaptation to climate change, and sustainability transformation. She is interested in combining various data bases, research methods, and stakeholders’ knowledge in investigating problems related to global environment changes, development, adaptation and sustainability. Dr. Otto holds PhD in resource economics and M.Sc. in sociology. She has just finalized her Habilitation (German higher education post-doctoral qualifications) at the Humboldt University in Berlin, Faculty of Life Sciences.

KARUNA - Zukunft für Kinder und Jugendliche in Not e.V.
The Society of New Patrons – GNA gGmbH
"Kultur macht stark. Bündnisse für Bildung"

Admission: Free

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