All curious music-lovers and intrepid sonic explorers are invited to join in this exciting race against time to cover the whole motherland continent in music in one single night! ACUD's courtyard will provide a cosy setting for this geographico-musical quest, with food & drinks a plenty. Come with an open mind & leave with sore feet! Entry to the event is pay-what-you-can.
DJ MIXANTHROPE [African Beats & Pieces, France]
This shall be an interactive affair: dancers & listeners will be invited to randomly pick the countries themselves out of a bowl. A big map will display which country is currently being played, and which one is coming up next.
Variety is the key to a healthy cultural diet, but just like with other continents, we tend to be over-flooded by the output of only a few African countries which dominate the market. Alas, the focus centers often around the same sources, whether its boutique vinyl reissue labels nerding out on their latest obsessions or corporate major companies pushing their newest mainstream hits.
Looking for a break from the Nigerian-Ghanaian pop juggernauts? Interested in something other than the "good old" but also "same old" vintage stuff ? Ready for something different than the over-played Afro-House and Kuduro super-hits? Here is a rare chance to hear sounds and songs stemming from lesser-heard/never-heard African countries, all the while finding out where exactly these bad-ass tracks are coming from.
Be it brand new or quite old, rural or urban, traditional or pop (or both), "organic" or electronic (or both), African Beats & Pieces DJ Mixanthropewill focus his selection on alternative artists that seldom get attention and airplay in clubs and on airwaves... with a slight tilt towards the unusual;)
African Beats & Pieces is a monthly event series at Monarch Berlindedicated to the music of Africa and its diaspora. With a special focus on contemporary and lesser-known artists, we strive to showcase the diversity of sounds and songs the continent has to offer, doing so through theme-specific parties involving passionate diggers & DJs.
MI 6.6 // 19-22H // PWYC
join in this exciting race against time to cover the whole motherland continent in music
FB Event
Mi 6.6.18
Backyard Summer X African Beats & Pieces – All Of Africa: 54 Countries, 54 Songs
ACUD BACKYARD 19h → Club Night & Concert