An evening with two audiovisual performances by Marcus Bastos, São Paolo, and Alessandra Eramo, Berlin, as a guest performer, and the launch of “delayscapes’ score,” including a graphic essay and an introductory dialog by Ana Carvalho and Marcus Bastos
JUST WORDS (redux), 2015
Audiovisual Performance by Marcus Bastos; guest performer: Alessandra Eramo
On a word saturated by images, an exploration of meaningless words. Graphicness of typography, scripts for possible scenes, and abstract voices. Followed by a CODA in which slogans of street protests result in a cacophony of commands made meaningless by contradictions and repetitions.
Audiovisual Performance by Marcus Bastos
Recursive abstractions and delay chains, transforming simple shapes and sound into textural scapes through procedural repetition and variation. The piece is structured as a series of short studies on possible relations of moving images and sound, and two longer explorations of the resulting syntaxes.
Book launch
After the pieces, there will be the launch of the score for delayscapes. The publication includes a graphic essay, an introductory dialogue in which Ana Carvalho and Marcus Bastos discuss scores as devices of memory and transmission in the field of contemporary audiovisual performance and a Pen Card with the patch, a companion PDF and images, videos and sounds used on the current instance of the piece.
... is an artist, curator and researcher on the areas of convergence between audiovisual, design and new media. He is PhD in Communication and Semiotics at the Pontificial Catholic University of São Paulo, where he works since 2003. Bastos is the author of Recycling Culture (NOEMA Gallery, 2007) and co-editor of Appopriations of the (Un)common: Public and Private Space in Times of Mobility (Sergio Motta Institute, 2009) and Mediation, Technology, Public Space – A Critical Panorama of Art in Mobile Media (Conrad, 2010). He was curator of Noise on Video (Itaú Cultural Institute, 2005), and of VIVO Arte.Mov – International Festival of Art in Mobile Media (2007–2011). Among his recent projects are the multimedia opera HO: city lights (2012), the audiovisual composition she, lonely, thinks of that (2010) and a video essay about the Operatio’s Field, project by Nelson Brissac, José Resende and Heloísa Maringoni (2012). With LAT-23, He developed, the webdocumentary Visible Cities (2010) and the mapping and QR-CODE narratives about Augusta Street 2346 (2009).
For more information see here!
... is a sound artist, vocalist and composer who works primarily with voice and noise. She creates performance pieces, text-sound compositions, videos, drawings and site-specific installations, exploring latent acoustic territories of the human voice. Pushing the boundaries of sound poetry and vocal performance art, she investigates the tension between vocality and writing, the physicality and trance-like states in singing.
She is co-founder of “Corvo Records – vinyl & sound art production” where she released her solo LP Come ho imparato a volare, and the’’ Roars Bangs Booms in 2014, based on the onomatopoeic words from the Futurist Manifesto “The Art of Noises” by Luigi Russolo.
For more information see here!
The event is part of the algorithmic liveness: editing the audiovisual presence project, developed at Humboldt University under supervision of Wolfgang Ernst / funded by PIPEq (PUC-SP).
This event is produced by fluctuating images. For more information see here!
SA 7.1 // 20H // FREE
an evening with two audiovisual performances and a book launch
FB Event
Sa 7.1.17
Fluctuating Images
ACUD STUDIO 20h → Book Launch & Performance